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MGC7480: T-REX Steering Lock CM1930LC-Classic
售价:RM79.90 / USD21.10

  1. Sturdy hook design for greater security even cutting the steering wheel will not help remove the lock.
  2. Vinyl coated hook to prevent marring of steering wheel.
  3. Multi-stage adjustment lock.
  4. Aluminum-die-cast lock body and heat-treated steel lock component.
  5. Fully adjustable to most steering wheels even with air bag equipped vehicles.
  6. High visibility thwart thieves away: convenient and easy to use.
  7. Patented cylinder lock for added protection.
  8. 2 Years warranty against manufacturing defects.


Product Code: CM1930LC

类别:电子 | 汽车防盗

MGC3385: CM1930LC-Classic 勾 扣 式 方 向 盘 推 锁
售价:RM79.90 / USD21.10

  • 全方位设计坚固.美观.专利锁心,保护爱车。
  • 上锁容易,不受限方向盘尺寸。
  • 适用於有安全气囊的车种,坚固.美观.迅速保护您的爱车。


Product Code: CM1930LC

类别:电子 | 汽车防盗

MGC3383: T-REX CM930LC-Classic 方向盘锁
售价:RM69.90 / USD18.40

  • 安全性设计,不伤皮,核木方向盘。
  • 多段式设计可依方向盘大小自由调整扣紧方向盘。
  • 专利锁心,防盗更升级


Product Code: CM930-LC

类别:电子 | 汽车防盗

MGC5919: CH960G 汽车方向盘警报锁
售价:RM699.00 / USD184.00

  • 安全性设计,不伤皮、核木方向盘。
  • 多段式设计可依方向盘大小自由调整扣紧方向盘。
  • 高感度电子警报器,110-130分贝响声令窃贼破胆。
  • 超高亮度LED闪灯,夜晚能见度高,达到吓阻作用。
  • 超省电设计,电池寿命6个月以上。
  • 夜光设计按键,夜晚操作简易方便。


Product Code: CH960G

类别:电子 | 汽车防盗

MGC5924: Ultimate Keyless CH998GK
售价:RM999.00 / USD262.90


  1. The first Air Pressure Detection Alarm Lock without key cylinder in the industry!
  2. Patented design without a key cylinder- totally frustrating the burglar effort.
  3. Integrated Chip Active Remote lock-opener and receiver. 2 in 1 design with high power-saving design!
  4. Featuring the latest 128-bit Symmetry calculation technology in the US and is unable to be deciphered by traditional technologies.
  5. Almost impregnable!
  6. When there is continuous detection from external forces affect the lock (Eg. being knocked on or towed), the anti-theft system will be immediately activated. The lock will emit an alarm of 130 dB within 8 seconds and at the same time, sending an alert message and warning alarm to the receiver within a radius of 0-2,000 m, (varies according to the interference and obstruction of the environment) displaying the condition of the car and informing the owner of the abnormality.
  7. Enhanced detection function that reduces false alarms. Vibrations caused by passing-by heavy vehicles will not effect an alert to the owner. Only when there is continuous detection, which means a genuine abnormality, an alert will be sent.
  8. Low-battery warning: When the battery is wearing out in the car lock, it will beep 5 times after locking, and then will unlock by its own. This will notify the owner to change the battery.
  9. Siren device is heat resistant. It can operate in the car temperature of 40oC~+80oC. It is also high voltage resistant and able to withstand an electrical shock of 200,000 volts. Body: The main bar has been hardened via high heat treatment and difficult to be sawed. There are more than 3 billion combinations of codes to prevent repetition of false alarm. It uses 3 1.5V AA alkaline batteries.
  10. Receiver (Chip Active Remote): Approx. 5,000,000 combinations of codes to prevent repetition of false alarm. It uses one 1.5V AAA alkaline battery.

* Patented Worldwide


Product Code: CH998GK

类别:电子 | 汽车防盗


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