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PWR5403: Siti Nurhaliza - Klasik
Selling Price: RM29.90 / USD8.40

Format: CD
Language: Malay
Publisher: Siti Nurhaliza Productions
Distributor: Suria Records


  1. Jangan Di Tanya
  2. Sirih Pinang
  3. Seri Sarawak
  4. Damak
  5. Syair Kamelia
  6. Seri Mersing
  7. Keroncong Si Endang Endong
  8. Muslmah Manis
  9. Bisikan Hati
  10. Bunga Melor
  11. Pawana Sampaikanlah Salam
  12. Pulau Pisang
  13. Lela Manja
  14. Es Lilin

Product Code: SRCD-07-23645

Category: CD | Malay Female


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